WE BELIEVE that the Holy Bible, as recorded in the 66 books, are completely inspired by God and essential for the life of every Christian. WE DO NOT BELIEVE that any part of the Bible is irrelevant or inapplicable for today. Being a follower of Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation from sins and eternal life with God.
WE BELIEVE that the entire Bible as revealed by the Prophets and Apostles are literally and completely true and essential for every Believer to follow. We believe that the Jesus of the Bible is God and is present today in the person of the Holy Spirit. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). Jesus of the Gospels is the same today and the Holy Spirit of Acts is still the same today and works in the same way as recoreded in the Bible for his purposes.
WE BELIEVE that every believer in Jesus must seek to become more like Christ and to live a holy life as dictated by the Bible and the teachings of Jesus himself. “For it is written, ‘Be Holy because I `{`Jesus`}` am Holy‘” (1 Peter 1:16). It is imperative for all believers to strive to live after the model of Jesus in humbleness and repentance.
WE BELIEVE that knowledge of the Bible without obedience to the commands of Jesus Christ are worthless. “In the same way, faith without works, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” (James 2:17). Believers must put into practice the teaching of the Bible and demonstrate their faith in their lives and actions following the model of Christ Jesus himself. Believers should strive for excellence in everything they do.
“Wisdom without character is worthless knowledge, likewise wisdom without a personal character of holiness manifested in a life of excellence and living out the teaching of the Bible is also worthless. A believer must believe and know the word of God, represent the Character of Jesus in their life, and apply the teachings of Jesus in the world for the purposes which God has intended.”