“The Action Bible” Illustrations by Sergio Cariello, Gen. Ed. Doug Mauss. David C. Cook: Colorado Springs, CO. 2010.
Review by Steve Hyde
Well, I obviously needed a break from a thick meaty book dealing with Educational Psychology with all the big words and such, so I went juvenile. I was given “The Action Bible” because Words of Life Ministries (of which I am the director) is a large publisher in Cambodia of Christian materials. Each year we publish hundreds of thousands of books for churches.
I read “The Action Bible” thinking if it would be good for my own kids. As a parent I am always trying to find stimulating things for my children to read and they are just not ready for a “full Bible”. I like the Action Bible because it covers the stories of the Bible in a way that is appealing for kids. Obviously, I wouldn’t recommend it for theology, and it is also not exhaustive. (Revelation is only two pages!) I think it is a good way to get kids to know the main stories of the Bible through and great for my son.
I would highly recommend it for anyone with a 10-14 year old boy who loves comics. The artist, Sergio Cariello, used to work with Marvel and DC Comics so it is a common American style comic. The only thing I didn’t like so much was that all the characters seem way to intense, and almost angry. I think this is just the style of comics though. I even had to chuckle a bit reading about Jesus on the cross, because he is very buff! Obviously, laughter, is not what is needed there, but it was a bit funny the way he was drawn. After all, it is a comic.
The Action Bible covers from Genesis all the way through Revelation and uses fairly simple language, but probably not simple enough for a 8-year-old. I would recommend between 10 and 14 years old for this book. If you are looking to stimulate a son to get him to read more of the Bible, this would be the way to go.
Note: There is one more “comic” style Bible that I would highly recommend. “Manga Messiah”. It is the Story of Jesus in Manga (Japanese Style) is excellent. In the US, it is published by Tyndale. I bought one for my son and he read it cover to cover multiple times. They also have 4 other Manga books which cover the rest of the Bible. You can find them on Amazon.com. The ministry in Japan which produces it is called Next Manga.
Thanks for the info Steve.
I’m going to buy this one for Ari ASAP.
Bless Ya!