NAGOYA, Japan – The United Nations Environment Programme is currently meetings in Japan. At the start of the meeting their objective is to discuss ways to save many disappearing species on the Earth. “The world cannot afford to allow nature’s riches to disappear”, the United Nations said on Monday at the start of a major meeting to combat losses in animal and plant species that underpin livelihoods and economies.
- The United Nations says the world is facing the worst extinction rate since the dinosaurs vanished 65 million years ago; It is a crisis that needs to be addressed by governments, businesses and communities.
- “This meeting is part of the world’s efforts to address a very simple fact — we are destroying life on earth,” Achim Steiner, head of the U.N. Environment Programme, said at the opening of the meeting in Nagoya, central Japan.
- “What the world most wants from Nagoya are the agreements that will stop the continuing dramatic loss in the world’s living wealth and the continuing erosion of our life-support systems,” said Jim Leape, WWF International director-general.
- “We are nearing a tipping point, or the point of no return for biodiversity loss,” Japanese Environment Minister Ryu Matsumoto told the meeting.
In completely unrelated news, another major project of the UN (United Nations Population Fund) helped promote and fund 42 million abortions last year; many countries in the world are now facing a negative growth rate just like many other species in the world.