Jungle Adventures in the countries of the world.
On our outreach in the African bush here in Mozambique our team pulled into a small rural village with a storm. We stayed up late in the night showing the Jesus Film and giving testimonies about what God has done in our lives. Honestly, as a seasoned missionary I thought our gospel presentation was poor…
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As visitors here at Iris Ministries we are allowed to go on an outreach into the African bush. Our group was split in half and five of us headed to the African bush together. The mode of transport was essentially African: a flat-bed truck. No seats, no cushions, no comfort. “Shocking” is the best description…
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Anyone who knows me knows I love to scuba dive. Diving 100 feet down into the ocean eliminates all the worries and stresses of my life on the surface. The ocean depths are so unique I cannot help but to worship our Creator God for his marvels. Today I had the privilege of diving in…
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Our morning in Mozambique started off with Heidi Baker doing a village meeting for widows. The purpose was to give some discipleship teaching to the widows, but to also give an opportunity for the visiting foreigners (like myself) a chance to get into a local Mozambique village and home. Since I came from Cambodia, the…
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I was looking forward to my first service in Pemba, Mozambique. I knew the building where they had services was large, so I knew there would be a lot of people, but other than that I had few expectations. The building itself was one much like I am planning to build in Poipet city back…
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Today I arrived in Pemba, Mozambique after more than 50 hours of traveling. I had wanted to visit the ministry of Rolland and Heidi Baker at Iris Ministries for some time, and today I was arriving. My wife and I had met Heidi Baker in Singapore a couple of years ago and since then it…
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NAGOYA, Japan – The United Nations Environment Programme is currently meetings in Japan. At the start of the meeting their objective is to discuss ways to save many disappearing species on the Earth. “The world cannot afford to allow nature’s riches to disappear”, the United Nations said on Monday at the start of a major…
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Heidi Baker: The by-product of a life humbled to Jesus Christ in utter dependence of him has led to now more than 12,000 churches started. More than 1,000 churches started among a people of a radical and violent faith. They are feeding and caring for more than 10,000 children in dozens of children’s homes in Mozambique and other nations in Africa.
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