Jungle Adventures in the countries of the world.
Today, I simply wanted to show you a picture. Last week, while working in Poipet suddenly I realized that we had a whole bunch of nations represented. The nations of the world are converging on this dirty border town to bless them in the name of Jesus! Have a look: We have workers from…
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The first 7 years of my life were mostly spent in Iowa, but after that I have circled the globe so many times I can’t even count it. Yet, oddly, the site of a John Deere tractor still feels like home to me. When I see rolling fields with perfect rows of corn and beans,…
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John MacArthur recently held a conference specifically to attack “Charismatic” Christians. The conference called “Strange Fire” was on October 16-18, 2013 at Grace Community Church, Southern California. John MacArthur is the pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California since 1969. He has written or edited more than 150 books including a commentary series…
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I was shocked, just like the nation and much of the world, at the bombing of the Boston Marathon. In the first video feed I saw an elderly runner fall off his feet, likely hit my shrapnel. My eyes fixated on him. People didn’t know what to do. They didn’t know what happened. Yet, in…
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My Dad, A Hero and Martyr for the Lord Jesus My father, William “Bill” Paul Hyde, was a humble man, but a great man. He lived his life quietly, unimposing and with gentleness. He had a passion though, seeing the Kingdom of God grow through the Philippines. Since 1978, first in Manila (and all over Luzon)…
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A year ago I sent out a short e-mail to all my friends and supporters. In that e-mail I listed three urgent requests I had. While hundreds got the news, and no doubt prayed for help, I had very few responses. A couple of people recommended a friend or two for the job, but I…
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As Christians on this earth christened with the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), we have been told to “go into all the world.” For centuries it was a rare few that ventured into boats and disappeared across the horizon in the search of lost souls to bring to Christ. Though missionaries have been attached to local…
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I am an American citizen. I own two guns. One is a 12 gauge shotgun and the other an antique WWII era Soviet rifle. Many times I wish I had more guns. I would love a deer hunting rifle, a .22 with a clip which holds about 50 rounds so I could have fun ‘target’…
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I arrived after a long trip in Houston, TX, together with my wife, to speak at Kingsland Baptist Church to speak at a special missions service. Upon arrival at the airport I heard the news of a mass shooting of 27 young children and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut by a…
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Last night after a special evening service I came home about midnight and checked my e-mails before I slept. In my inbox was an e-mail telling me about a missionary who was killed. IMB (Southern Baptist) missionary Cheryll Harvey’s body was found murdered. Cheryll was sent out from Texas as a missionary as a young…
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