Prayer for the nations and the work of Words of Life.
As part of a practical exercise in listening to the Holy Spirit is going out into the town and finding a person of peace (Luke 10:6). Before going out in groups of three people they went they prayed seeking the Holy Spirit’s revelation about the people whom God wanted them to meet. More than fifty…
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Let me share a brief confession. I graduated from a Christian university with a Bachelor’s degree in business and computer science. I was also a devout Christian and entered seminary to do a master’s degree. I was convinced at the time that it was only a matter of time before the Christian religion could be…
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Just by seeing this title with the word “prayer” in it I think will limit the number of people who will bother to read this blog. While, as Christians, we talk about “prayer” regularly, how many of us really pray? I mean, actually stop what you are doing, sit down, or kneel, or even more…
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Your Global Impact: 20 feet Over the last few years I have been thinking and praying a lot about what it takes to impact a nation. I have considered traditional strategies as well as the internet and the power of the digital word being broadcast out through so many channels like YouTube, Facebook, Word Press…
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Our day started early. Craig and Holly, from Australia on sabbatical from Stairway Church, are helping us with the new church plant. Their day started the earliest. Their cute baby girl started vomiting in the night. It was a long night for them. Added to that, it rained all night. When we got up in…
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A 3 O’clock Habit I am presently in the Philippines and I witnessed something interesting. It is 3 o’clock habit. The Philippines, being a majority Catholic country, has a tradition that I have witnessed since I was a little boy. They call it the 3 o’clock habit. At 3 o’clock sharp in most major stores…
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On July 21 I asked people to pray that it would not rain in Poipet. As part of our community development, we have been rehabilitating schools. The schools were damaged by rain and floods, so to fix them, we needed dry weather. Specifically, we were pouring concrete at one school to make a driveway and…
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When I was in Seminary they never taught us anything about demons or how to get rid of them. I was unprepared for ministry without such training. So when I got to Cambodia I only had one instruction manual. The Bible. It is full of stories from beginning to end involving demons. Yet, experience turns…
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On June 3, 2010 the Imparting Smiles Children center was dedicated at Poipet, Cambodia by the Deputy PM of Cambodia and Governor of Banteay Meanchey Province.
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Eighty years after Om was born he got his first chance to hear about Jesus laying mute and crippled in his bed. He was only waiting to die. Jesus came down, though faithful believers like Ang, and brought the Good News of Jesus though the power of healing into Om’s life. Now, Om and his family have changed their eternal destiny!
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