Life International
On Obama’s second day in office he issued an executive order allowing federal funds to be used for funding abortions overseas. So, in effect, America is now funding death throughout the world.
On Obama’s second day in office he issued an executive order allowing federal funds to be used for funding abortions overseas. So, in effect, America is now funding death throughout the world.
Heidi Baker: The by-product of a life humbled to Jesus Christ in utter dependence of him has led to now more than 12,000 churches started. More than 1,000 churches started among a people of a radical and violent faith. They are feeding and caring for more than 10,000 children in dozens of children’s homes in Mozambique and other nations in Africa.
I only had a borrowed six inch portable DVD player with me, so I set it up on my truck. I plugged it into the cigarette lighter on my truck and about 150 people sat on the ground staring at a six inch screen for exactly one hour to watch the movie.
I am always aware of the constant poverty in Cambodia, and on this trip, covering some 8 provinces on the western side of Cambodia I found myself unable to help time and time again. The one thing that gives me comfort while living among such poverty is that I was able to help about 100 kids this week have an opportunity to get education, eat good food, and have opportunities that all the other people I met could probably never even imagine.
A few days ago we had a birthday party for my son Paul. He got wonderful gifts and had most of his friends come and play to their hearts content. After the party the group of 10 year olds could only manage to eat one cake so we had another full cake remaining. Why don’t my son and I go out at night and give big pieces of cake away to poor street kids. I asked my son and he thought it was a good idea. So at night we headed out.
One of the families of “Orange village”, the family of Narin and Srey Pouw with their four children, is facing a dire need. They are desperately poor and have no cash money what-so-ever. Srey Pouw is sick. She went to a doctor a few months ago and they told her she has a blood disorder and will die soon. She has no money for treatment and the doctors told her she would not survive even if she did have money.
David is a guy who has every excuse in the world to just take it easy. Few of us have had the difficulties in life that David has. Few of us can barely imagine how hard life has been for David. Yet David knows who he is in Christ and he is grateful for the life that Jesus has given him. He devotes all of his effort and work for the purposes of the Kingdom of God.
In Cambodia, most people (some 80%) are rice farmers. Rice farming, in Cambodia, is very labor intensive, and requires cows for plowing the fields. If a family does not own their own cows for plowing a field, they have to rent them from another family. The rental cost is usually 50% of the harvest. That means if you do not own your own cows, you automatically will lose 50% of your potential harvest. If we just gave a cow to a family though, they would likely sell it for cash. So we decided we would not sell the cows to the family, but we would loan it to them to use. The initial cow always remains the property of “Cows for Cambodia”. We would then pay the family an “annual fee” for taking care of our cow. That annual fee is the offspring for the year. Native cows in Cambodia are highly resistant to disease and have a calf every year like clockwork. Therefore, they get to use the cow free of charge, then they can keep their first calf for themselves. The second calf (second year) we keep as a “usage fee” for the use of our cow for two years. The third they keep, fourth we keep, and on and on. The asset keeps growing and the benefit to the people keeps growing.
We were in an exclusive zone next to the Thai border were access was limited. What shocked me further was that most of the people, hundreds of them, that were just hanging around were children. Their parents were off trying to find work and the kids have no choice to just wait, often for days for the parents to come back.
Winnie was shot in the head and died instantly. He was looking for a chance to share the gospel and bring peace to a very violent area of the Philippines, yet he was killed trying to bring peace. Winnie is survived by his wife and a young son. Winnie was only 25 years old and passionate about serving Jesus. He died trying to find opportunities to show the love of Christ.