Jungle Adventures in the countries of the world.
Each year for about a decade now we have received a team from Freedom Church in Owasso, Oklahoma (near Tulsa). This year we had typically amazing results. We had more than 800 kids in Vacation Bible School. That is more than 800 kids who learn about Jesus, hear the gospel and have great fun. We…
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In my last blog, I talked about “God’s Interruptions“. A few days later I boarded a flight with two of my leaders to the US. I have scheduled every day as tightly as possible to make the most of our brief visit to the United States. We were scheduled to visit 4 states in three…
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Pergamum is referred to as the city where Satan has his throne. Revelation 2:13 says that Pergamum is where “where Satan has his throne” and also says “where Satan lives.” This may be the only place in the bible where Jesus actually gives a physical address for Satan. At Pergamum it is plainly obvious what…
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It may seem strange, but I love quilts. If ever I see a quilt show, I will go. While you see lots of quilts in Amish areas, you don’t see many in Asia! I can assure you, I have never seen one in Cambodia. Though I do know there are two organizations which make some…
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In November 2010 we were blessed in Poipet of a team coming from Memphis, Tennessee to build us a playground at the Poipet Imparting Smiles children’s center. This was all possible because Steve and Ellie Marcum at Bellevue Baptist Church were inspired to help the kids there. They rallied their church’s VBS program this summer…
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As we approach American Thanksgiving and many people are able to get together with their families the circumstances around me makes it difficult to give thanks. Injustice abounds in the world. Today I am in Mindanao, Philippines with my family. Exactly one year ago, 58 people were killed here (read the article about the massacre…
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Today we had a special delivery from a unusual source: FedEx. Over the last week, we have been building a playground in Poipet, Cambodia. A team of workers from Memphis, Tennessee came to build it with us. The funds for building the playground came from Bellevue Baptist Church and the workers are mainly businessmen who just…
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In America I think nearly every kid had a blanket they loved and cherished. I still have one! On a recent trip my friend Omar Garcia gave a couple of kids their first security blanket, a hand made quilt from Texas! Every stitch was made with love; and the kids can feel it. Below is…
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NAGOYA, Japan – The United Nations Environment Programme is currently meetings in Japan. At the start of the meeting their objective is to discuss ways to save many disappearing species on the Earth. “The world cannot afford to allow nature’s riches to disappear”, the United Nations said on Monday at the start of a major…
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For a missionary to develop an understanding of Cambodian forms and meanings is essential in order to be able to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. This is done through systematic study of the history, culture and worldview of a nation, but cannot be purely academic.
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