Police Negotiations
In asia, most traffic stops are about negotiations. Here are some funny stories about negotiations gone wrong!
In asia, most traffic stops are about negotiations. Here are some funny stories about negotiations gone wrong!
Winnie was shot in the head and died instantly. He was looking for a chance to share the gospel and bring peace to a very violent area of the Philippines, yet he was killed trying to bring peace. Winnie is survived by his wife and a young son. Winnie was only 25 years old and passionate about serving Jesus. He died trying to find opportunities to show the love of Christ.
“Our church is dead”, announced the Baptist Deacon to the other leaders. It was piercing words to one couple who had come to Christ in that fellowship and had been with it for many years. They started discipling their remaining believers and in a less than a month their church was alive again with many new believers and some people returning.
A young pastor explained that after the August training session he went back to his area determined to reach 9 more villages around him with a new church. So he and his wife got permission from the nine villages to show the gospel. Now they have 9 churches planted in less than four months work.
A humble father and pastor came to report what God had done. He shared how a large cobra, possibly a king cobra, had bitten his son in the leg. After prayer and placing the Bible on his chest, he was completely healed instantly.
A small church of 90 people started discipling their own people and then those people started discipling others in the village. People started coming to Christ rapidly. The church has now grown to more than 400 people in one month! Praise the Lord!
A few days ago our children’s center in Kracheh, Cambodia got broken into. They stole all the clothes from more than 40 girls which were on the clothes line.
Generally, every Malaysia is friendly, generous and willing to take any amount of time to build a stronger friendship. Though it is a modern urban country, they have not forgotten the importance of relationships with people.